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Legal Services

What We Do

Every Client's individual needs are at the centre of the service we deliver. Each person brings their own unique situation, and our primary aim is to ensure that we support them to achieve what they want, what they need, and what is best for their specific situation.


We believe that access to legal services should be equal. Our pricing structure aims to be clear and affordable. Our service aims for excellence and fairness. If you have a legal matter which you need help with, contact us on 0131 229 3530 or via We are committed to making sure people have access to the support they need.

Wills, Powers of Attorney and Estate Planning

These are impartant issues which everyone should consider. Not having a valid Will in place can cause a whole range of additional problems and heartache for friends and family members at a time of grief and shock. Lasting Power of Attorney nominates the people you trust to deal with your affairs and make decisions for you if you are ever in a position where you cannot do this for yourself. Our Wills, Lasting Power of Attorney and Trust pages give more information, or you can contact us directly on 0131 229 3530 or to see how we can help.

Employment and Regulatory advice and representation

If you find yourself in a dispute with an employer, employee or with your professional regulatory body, the situation can seem impossible to manage. Support and representation can be expensive and complicated. Our individually tailored approach combines with our legal expertise from the early stages through mediation and negotiation to hearing and tribunal. Contact us to see how we can help you: the sooner the better....

Legal Support for charities

We know what it is like to be directly involved in working with charities of many shapes and sizes. Often charities - big and small - need support in matters of governance, finance, employment and compliance. We work hard to make sure that our prices are affordable to all charities, and will tailor these according to the specific needs and financial position of each individual charity client. Contact us if you have a situation which you would like to discuss on 0131 229 3530.

Deighton Bowie Ltd

Delivering the solutions you need

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