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Who should have a Will?

Everyone who owns a home, has assets worth over £5,000 and anyone with children under the age of 18. More than half of adults in the UK do not have a valid Will in place, which means that when they die the state will deal with their estate according to what the laws of intestacy (which means dying without a Will) prescribe. If this happens, it will involve extra cost which will be charged to your estate, and it will not necessarily take account of what you wanted to happen, for example:


  • In your Will you nominate who has parental responsibility for your children who are under the age of 18. Without this, the state assumes parental responsibility and has authority to decide where they live and who they live with.

  • If you live together but are not married, then your relationship is not recognised by law, and so your partner will not automatically inherit the things you may expect them to. If the surviving partner does inherit the house they may end up with a large inheritance tax bill simply for inheriting your half of the property they live in.

  • If a surviving spouse remarries then without careful planning your own children may not inherit in the way you want.


Having a Will means that you can put a plan in place which takes care of things the way you feel is right.

How we can help

We will talk to you about your situation and circumstances, give you advice on the legal context for your Will, and draft a Will which sets out your wishes, including:

  • nominating your Executors and Trustees

  • choosing the people you want to act as guardians

  • ensuring your spouse or partner can continue to live in the family home if they choose to

  • protecting your estate from sideways disinheritance

  • making specific gifts to family members, friends, charities etc

Making a Will does not have to be expensive, but it is a very personal thing to do and we aim to give you the best and most informative service possible. Research shows that around 40% of DIY Wills fail for a number of reasons. Contact us for more information and a free, no obligation home visit to discuss your circumstances.

Deighton Bowie Ltd

Delivering the solutions you need

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