For charities and community groups
Partnerships for better service
Partnerships for better service
We work in partnership with a number of charities to support the work that they do. Our free Wills scheme operates at a number of different times throughout the year to support charitable giving and legacies.
We also provide information sessions for groups of charities, members and service users, providing information about specific areas such as Lasting Powers of Attorney, setting up discretionary Trusts for beneficiaries with disabilities and / or long-term care needs, and general options for estate planning targeted to particular groups.
If you would like to talk to us about organising a free information session for a charity, group or event please contact Susannah on 0131 229 3530 or by email
Governance, compliance and regulation
Our consultants have all been directly involved in setting up and operating charities for many years. We understand the complications which can arise, and are able to advise on the relevant areas of compliance required of any group operating as a charity. Most importantly we focus on proportionality and relevance - helping trustees and delivery staff to understand and apply best practice and good governance to all areas of operation.